
Lilian Vieira & Lucas Santana - Brazillian Summervibes

In a dark and cold December in Wageningen we could use a little Brazillian summer vibes. That’s going to work out just fine this evening. With a mainly Brazilian group that brings a touch of Copacabana to the cold Dutch polder. The band consists of Lilian Vieira (Brazil) vocals, Lucas Santana (Brazil) saxophone, Suzan Veneman (The Netherlands) trumpet, Wagner Vasconcelos (Brazil) drums, Daniel de Moraes (Uruguay) acoustic guitar and Breno Viricimo (Brazil) on bass.

Organised by Wageningen University & Research

Wed 13 December 2023 20:30

Venue Impulse, building number 115
Stippeneng 2
6708 WE Wageningen
+31 (0) 317 - 482828
Price EUR 20.00
Price description at the website or at the door (students and <26 €10,-)

Lilian Vieira andLucas Santana

Lucas Santanaalready played a fan- tastic performance on the stage of Jazz in Wageningen with his Quintet. He is a great promise and we expect great things from him againthis time. That alone is a reason not to miss this concert. Lilian Vieirabecame known in the Netherlands with Zuco 103, which played the very danceable so-called Brazilectro. She mainly singsin Por- tugueseand works with various jazz,soul and funk groupsand DJs.

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